1 Corinthians Pt 4 - Chaos Protocol for the Last Days

Begins July 9-10, 2024
$30.00; Youth $15

Tuesday 1:15PM LIVE Zoom

Tuesday 7:15PM (Kitchener)

Wednesday 9:15AM (Kitchener)

Online Only


Try as we might we could not complete our study of 1 CORINTHIANS by the end of the spring semester. That was God’s plan of course, to do an in-depth study of the spiritual gifts so that we might be prepared and equipped for the challenges of the last days!

And now we have these few weeks this summer to finish our study by focusing on the glorious and victorious truths of the RESURRECTION!

Firstly, we will plumb the depths of the importance of Jesus’ resurrection, which bears witness to the immense power of God. In the resurrection God declares with power that Jesus is the Son of God and He reminds us of His absolute sovereignty over life and death. 

Secondly, we will consider the truth concerning our own soon-coming resurrection! Since the beginning of time humanity has faced the question, “Is there life after death?” Job asked, “If a man dies, will he live again?” That this life is not the end, and that a glorious future in the presence of our Saviour awaits us, is a truth that will cause us not to lose heart. We can determine that we will stand on this promise with unshakable steadfastness until He comes for us.

Even if you have not taken Parts 1, 2 and 3 please consider joining us this summer as we let the Word of God teach us the CHAOS PROTOCOLS for these last days!  


Ruth Warkentin

Co-founder of Solid Ground Ministries and gifted Bible teacher. Ruth is extremely well grounded in the Word of God and is dearly loved by her students. Ruth has a God given ability to communicate clearly the unchanging truths of God's Word with passion and delight. She has been teaching God's Word with Solid Ground since its inception in 1991. Her prayer for herself and her students is that, through the Scriptures, they might come to know their God intimately, to love Him deeply and to serve and obey Him wholeheartedly. Ruth enjoys living single - a life of "undistracted devotion to Christ".